Transaction status of payment initiation

The transaction status is filled with codes of the ISO 20022 data table. The following table shows the list of possible statuses.

StatusLong nameDescription
ACCCAcceptedSettlementCompletedThis status is only applicable for instant payments. Settlement on the creditor's account has been completed.


(Not used by Rabobank)

Preceding check of technical validation was successful. Customer profile check was also successful.

Settlement on the debtor's account has been completed.
The status ACSC is also applicable when:

  • When a recurring payment has passed the end date.
  • When a recurring payment has been withdrawn.
ACSPAcceptedSettlementInProcessAll preceding checks such as technical validation and customer profile were successful. The payment initiation was successfully signed. The payment initiation has been accepted for execution, but before settlement on the debtor’s account.
ACTCAcceptedTechnicalValidationAuthentication and syntactical and semantical validation (Technical validation) are successful.


(Not used by Rabobank)

Instruction is accepted but a change will be made, such as date or remittance not sent.


(Not used by Rabobank)

Payment instruction included in the credit transfer is accepted without being posted to the creditor customer's account.
RCVDReceivedPayment initiation has been received by the receiving agent. Technical validation has started.

Payment initiation or individual transaction included in the payment initiation is pending and in progress for signing. Further checks (and status update) are performed, the payment can still be Rejected or Cancelled if one of the following scenarios occur:

  • PSU cancels the payment at login page > ACTC →  The payment is not signed within 30 minutes →  RJCT
  • PSU closes the web browser at login page > ACTC > The payment is not signed within 30 minutes > RJCT
  • PSU logs in > PDNG > PSU cancels the payment at Overview page > CANC
  • PSU logs in > PDNG > PSU cancels the payment at Overview page > PDNG > The payment is not signed within 30 minutes > RJCT

*ACTC - AcceptedTechnicalValidation, RJCT - Rejected, CANC - Cancelled

RJCTRejectedPayment initiation or individual transaction included in the payment initiation has been rejected.
CANCCancelledPayment initiation has been cancelled before execution. This status is only applicable for future dated payments that have been successfully cancelled.


(Not used by Rabobank)

Preceding check of technical validation and customer profile was successful and an automatic funds check was positive.


(Not used by Rabobank)

The payment initiation needs multiple authentications, where some but not yet all have been performed. Syntactical and semantical validations are successful.


(Not used by Rabobank)

A number of transactions have been accepted, whereas another number of transactions have not yet achieved accepted status.