Confirmation Availability Funds v1.0.8 Subscribe Skip to main content Confirmation Availability Funds1.0.8 APIs Confirmation Availability Funds FilterFilter optionsView operations bypathsummaryOverviewPOST /v1/funds-confirmationsDefinitions Documentation OAuth - PSD2 and Premium Signing requests for Rabobank APIs OverviewChecks whether a specific amount is available at point of time of the request on an account. NOTE: To use this API a valid TLS certificate is required. TypeREST OAS2ProtocolHTTPSEndpointProduction, Development: TLSEnabledclientIDX-IBM-Client-IdapiKey located in headerClientId as provided by the Rabobank developer portal. oauth2 access code flowType oauth2Security flowaccessCodeAuthorization URLs URLs Please use the Authorization and Token URL as provided by the oAuth2 Services. Download OpenAPI document as JSONDownload OpenAPI document as YAMLFocus sentinelCloseloadingFocus sentinel
Skip to main content Confirmation Availability Funds1.0.8 APIs Confirmation Availability Funds FilterFilter optionsView operations bypathsummaryOverviewPOST /v1/funds-confirmationsDefinitions Documentation OAuth - PSD2 and Premium Signing requests for Rabobank APIs OverviewChecks whether a specific amount is available at point of time of the request on an account. NOTE: To use this API a valid TLS certificate is required. TypeREST OAS2ProtocolHTTPSEndpointProduction, Development: TLSEnabledclientIDX-IBM-Client-IdapiKey located in headerClientId as provided by the Rabobank developer portal. oauth2 access code flowType oauth2Security flowaccessCodeAuthorization URLs URLs Please use the Authorization and Token URL as provided by the oAuth2 Services. Download OpenAPI document as JSONDownload OpenAPI document as YAMLFocus sentinelCloseloadingFocus sentinel