Confirmation Availability of Funds
The Confirmation Availability of Funds product provides access to the current account of our clients to certified parties. This product checks whether a certain amount is available on the account of the payer.
Access to Rabobank payment accounts
Secure and fast
PSD2 compliant
How does it work?
Use the Confirmation Availability of Funds API to check if an amount to be provided by you fits within the available funds on the current account of the payer. The account holder always gives consent to Rabobank. The account holder can revoke access anytime online.
The current version of the API provides access to payment accounts and supplies the following information:
- The response Rabobank provides to your request consists in a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’. The request will not result in a reservation of funds on the account.
Who can use it?
- The product is designed for use by Certified Payment Initiation Service Providers (PISPs) and Card Issuing Service Providers (CISPs).
What do you need?
- As a Certified Payment Initiation Service Provider (PISP) or Card Issuing Service provider (CISP) you require authorization of a National Competent Authority in order to be able to use the API.
- Our PSD2 enrollment product which enables certified parties to enroll themselves automatically at Rabobank
- To use the Confirmation Availability of Funds the accountholder has to give explicit consent to the Rabobank.