Following are the successful and invalid examples for ABN AMRO bank:
"iban": "NL01ABNA0123456789",
"currency": "EUR",
"transactions": {
"accountNumber": "NL01ABNA0123456789",
"transactions": [
"transactionId": "asdf01qwerty",
"counterPartyAccountNumber": "NL98ABNA0987654321",
"descriptionLines": [
"SEPA Incasso algemeen doorlopend",
"Incassant: NL12ZZZ123456789",
"Naam: Mortgage company XY",
"Machtiging: MND12345",
"Omschrijving: hypotheek",
"Kenmerk: 1234"
"currency": "EUR",
"amount": -800.0,
"counterPartyName": "XY Mortgages",
"transactionTimestamp": "2020-08-20-11:31:22.760",
"extra_info": {
"somekey": "some value"
Request parameters
Name | Type | Required | Description |
body | List of objects | true | List of objects. Each object represents one account. |
iban | String | true | IBAN of the payment account on which the accounting entry is posted. |
currency | String | true | Three character currency code of account. |
transactions | Object | true | Object that contains a list of transactions of the given account. |
accountNumber | String | true | Account number (IBAN) |
transactions | List of objects | true | List of transaction objects |
transactionId | String | true | Identifier of the transaction as shared by the bank. |
counterPartyAccountNumber | String | false | Account number of the transaction counterparty. |
descriptionLines | List of strings | false | List of transaction description lines. |
currency | String | true | Currency of the transaction. |
amount | Float | true | Transactions amount. Positive: credit, negative: debit. |
counterPartyName | String | false | Name of the counterparty. |
transactionTimestamp | String | true | Timestamp of the transaction. |
extra_info | Object | false | Object containing extra info shared by the bank. |
Download the full request example, using tix-request.json.
"id": "205ff66e-483a-47e1-bd2c-222c4612fce9",
"revision_number": 0,
"metadata": {
"version_tix": "1.26.2",
"version_category": "5.4.5",
"version_periodicity": "1.4.4-rc.20240205-1",
"version_adapter": "",
"version_end_user_config": "1.0.0",
"calculation_datetime": "2024-02-09T12:29:48.758905Z"
"account_details": [
"iban": "NL01ABNA0123456789",
"currency": "EUR",
"first_transaction_datetime": "2020-08-20T11:31:22.760000Z",
"last_transaction_datetime": "2020-08-20T11:31:22.760000Z",
"number_of_transactions": 1
"category_groups": [
"category_group_id": "041b92cd-98ec-4a65-96bb-c4d15aace5bf"
"category_group_name": "Expenses",
"categories": [
"category_id": 1006,
"category_name": "Mortgage",
"sequences": [
"counterparty_iban": "NL98ABNA0987654321",
"counterparty_bban": "0987654321",
"counterparty_name": "XY MORTGAGES",
"credit_debit_indicator": "DBIT",
"first_transaction_datetime": "2020-08-20T11:31:22.760000Z",
"last_transaction_datetime": "2020-08-20T11:31:22.760000Z",
"number_of_transactions": 1,
"duration_days": 0,
"periodicity": "no_periodicity",
"time_delta_consistency": 0.0,
"amount_consistency": 0.0,
"statistics": {
"eur_min": 800.0,
"eur_max": 800.0,
"eur_median": 800.0,
"eur_mean": 800.0,
"eur_last": 800.0,
"eur_sum": 800.0
"transaction_details": [
"acct_id": "NL01ABNA0123456789",
"acct_ccy": "EUR",
"ntry_seq_nb": 200820113122,
"bookg_dt_tm_gmt": "2020-08-20 11:31:22.760000",
"bookg_amt": "800.00",
"rmt_inf_ustrd1": "Omschrijving: hypotheek Kenmerk: 1234",
"engine_category_id": 1006,
"userrule_category_id": null
"category_group_id": "c648f305-721b-4082-9413-f55ca2cbb75f"
"category_group_name": "Income",
"categories": []
Response parameters
Name | Type | Description |
body | Object | The main output object of Tix containing the full Tix Report. |
id | String | Unique identifier (uuid) of Tix Report. |
revision_number | Integer | This value is always zero. |
metadata | Object | Metadata fields related to versioning and calculation datetime. |
metadata.version_tix | String | Version number of Tix model used to generate report. |
metadata.version_category | String | Version number of Category model used to generate report. |
metadata.version_periodicity | String | Version number of Periodicity model used to generate report. |
metadata.version_adapter | String | Version number of Adapter used to generate report. |
metadata.version_end_user_config | String | Version number of end user config used to generate report. |
metadata.calculation_datetime | String | Calculation datetime (UTC) of report. Formatted as ISO 8601 string (%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ). |
category_groups | List of objects | List of category_groups containing one element per category_group configured for the end user. |
category_groups[].category_group_id | String | Unique identifier (uuid) of category_group. Use this field to derive (business) logic instead of category_group_name. |
category_groups[].category_group_name | String | Name of category_group. Do not use this field to derive (business) logic, use category_group_id instead. |
category_groups[].categories | List of objects | List of categories containing one element per category identified within the category_group. |
categories[].category_id | Integer | Unique identifier of category in the Category model. Use this field to write (business) logic instead of category_name. |
categories[].category_name | String | Name of category. Do not use this field to write (business) logic, use category_id instead. |
categories[].sequences | List of objects | List of sequences containing one element per sequence identified within the category. |
sequences[].counterparty_iban | String | IBAN of the counterparty. |
sequences[].counterparty_bban | String | BBAN of the counterparty. |
sequences[].counterparty_name | String | Name of the counterparty. |
sequences[].credit_debit_indicator | String | Credit debit indicator. Possible values: "CRDT", "DBIT". |
sequences[].first_transaction_datetime | String | Min datetime (UTC) of transactions in the sequence. Formatted as ISO 8601 string (%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ). |
sequences[].last_transaction_datetime | String | Max datetime (UTC) of transactions in the sequence. Formatted as ISO 8601 string (%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ). |
sequences[].number_of_transactions | Integer | Number of transactions in the sequence. |
sequences[].duration_days | Integer | Duration of the sequence in days (number of days between first/last datetime). |
sequences[].periodicity | String | Indicates the periodicity of the sequence such as monthly or weekly.
sequences[].time_delta_consistency | Number | Time-delta consistency of sequence. Score between 0 and 1 indicating whether transactions occur at regular intervals over time, e.g. every month. |
sequences[].amount_consistency | Number | Amount consistency of sequence. Score between 0 and 1 indicating whether the booking amounts of the transactions in the sequence are roughly the same. |
sequences[].statistics | Statistics calculated on the booking amounts of transactions in the sequence. | |
sequences[].transaction_details | List of objects | Detailed information about the transactions contained within the sequence. Contains one element per transaction. |
transaction_details.acct_id | String | IBAN of account. |
transaction_details.acct_ccy | String | Currency code of account, e.g. 'EUR' or 'USD'. |
transaction_details.ntry_seq_nb | Integer | Entry sequence number. Transaction counter used to uniquely identify transactions for a certain acct_id/acct_ccy combination. |
transaction_details.bookg_dt_tm_gmt | String | Booking datetime (GMT) formatted as a string (%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f). |
transaction_details.bookg_amt | String | Booking amount. |
transaction_details.rmt_inf_ustrd1 | String | Description field. |
transaction_details.engine_category_id | Integer | category_id according to the Category model. |
transaction_details.userrule_category_id | Integer | category_id according to the user rules. |
To know more about default categories, read the Default categories available in Mock dataset.
Download the full response example, using tix-expected-response.json.
If you receive 57x error code, it is because of an internal application error, the x in the 57x status code corresponds to the application component that caused the error. Make sure to specify the code when contacting our Support team.
Response - 422 Unprocessable Entity
"details": [
"loc": [
"msg": "none is not an allowed value",
"type": "type_error.none.not_allowed"
Error response schema
Name | Type | Description |
body | List of objects | List of error objects. |
loc | List of objects | List error messages and values, may be used for debugging faulty requests. |
msg | String | Error message describing the (validation) error. |
type | String | Error type |